Sunday, April 21, 2019

UAV Data Storage

In most cases, UAV flight time such as the DJI Phantom 4 Pro will fly between 5 minutes to a maximum of about 30 minutes maximum. For UAVs with the capability to take pictures and record videos, pilots can quickly realize that in about to minutes, their UAV camera’s SD card storage is quickly filling up. UAVs such as the DJI Phantom 4 Pro can allow a maximum of 128 GB of SD. Taking pictures and recording high-quality 4K videos can see one’s storage fill up very fast. 128GB model will allow owners to record up to about 6 hours of 4K video. many technologies are available to enable UAV operators to continue to fly and shoot video and take pictures on their UAV camera without completely running out of onboard camera storage.
One way to decrease the size of data produced from sensors is the use of codecs. A codec is a software that compresses videos to a manageable data size than the original file. One of the most popular type of codecs is H.264 Codec. An H.264 codec software enables the recording of HD digital video at very low data rates. The H.264 compresses video to about half the space required to save a standard digital video (MPEG-2) (DivX, 2019). Phantom 4 Pro allows for record UHD 4K (4096X2160) at 60fps, at a maximum bitrate of 100Mbps using the H.264 codec (DJI, 2019).
Another method of freeing up storage space is to directly upload images and videos on cloud storage. A good example is the Memery’s Dragonfly app that allows the operator to edit recent images and videos and then transfer the edited footage to cloud storage. The drawback to the Dragonfly app is the price. There are a lot of reasonably priced cloud storage alternatives such as Google One and Dropbox cloud storage services

DIVX. (2019, ). H.264 definition. Retrieved from
DJI. (2019). DJI Phantom 4 pro – specs, tutorials & guides – DJI. Retrieved from

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